Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Causes of Diabetes

Today, more than 30% of the population suffer from diabetes (DiabetesStatistics). This disease affects more people every year, including children. There are two types of diabetes:diabetes type one, which is commonly called juvenile Diabetes, and type two, which most of the time affects adults. Both of them consist of a lack of insulin in the body, causing the levels of sugar in the blood to rise higher than normal. There are many causes that lead to the development of Diabetes.

(Public Domain)
One of the main causes of diabetes is the amount and quality of carbohydrates that people consume. There are two types of carbohydrates: fast absorption and slow absorption. If people consume fast absorption carbohydrates, then this will increase the levels of sugar in their blood. Those kinds of carbohydrates are all the products made with processed flower, such as white bread, desserts, chips, etc. If people instead, consume slow absorption carbohydrates, the body will have enough time to metabolize those carbohydrates, and the sugar in the blood will not rise so quickly.

(Public Domain)
Another cause of diabetes is a sedentary style life. When people exercise, they reduce their risk of suffering from this disease. For example, walking 30 minutes every day helps the body  keep the levels of sugar on track and within acceptable parameters by accelerating the metabolism and allowing a person to burn blood sugar for 24 hours.  Also, exercise often reduces cholesterol and any possibility of getting hypertension.

It is important to know that diabetes can leave a person more vulnerable to getting several health issues ,such as insulin dependence, renal failure, amputation, blindness, diabetes coma, and even death. Adults and parents have to be aware about this problem and take action against it as early as they can. Making small changes, such as changing the kind of bread they eat and getting enough exercise is a big step in the fight against Diabetes.